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 What I do.

Live Music & event coverage - Photo/video

Unit Stills, Behind The Scenes, EPK

Whatever the product, high quality video and photo content makes all the difference!

Interviews, Testimonials, Commercials, EPK, Music Videos, and more. You’re in the right place.

Photo & Video


Photo editor

Photo editing + Retouching

Joshua Applegate


“My passion stems from a collaborative and creative motivation that excites me to work with all genres of branding and marking projects!”

Joshua Applegate Creatives has 10+ years in the photography and videography world of entertainment media and brand content creation, ensuring a strong visual focus.

After attending the University of California Santa Cruz, I started my career at H.S.I. Productions in 2006 (commercial & music video production house) representing directors such as David LA Chappell, Samuel Bayer, Casey Neistat, and Michael Haussman; setting myself up with the fundamental skills for filmmaking. In 2010 I stepped into the world of photography working with Entertainment Media outlets such as Getty Images, Wire Image, Shutterstock, PMC, and The Associated Press curating celebrity portraits.

“Over the span of my career I have developed an understanding in the importance of quality and effective content.”  



“Quality/Crispness PERFECT! OMG these are soooo beautiful!”

- Katie Moran, Content Manager ghd North America

“Josh! WOW!! That's superb!! SO GOOD!”

- Dr. Allaei, California Fibroid Center

“Super happy, this is going to make such a difference to us.”

- Ron McMiller, McMiller Entertainment




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